Equine Assisted Learning & Coaching

If you don't know who you are, how can you know who you want to become?


White Horse Wisdom Coaching offers Equine Assisted Learning and Coaching to individuals, groups, and corporate teams in the middle of Jeffersontown, Kentucky.

Monique discovered horses for the first time as a young child during a family vacation in the Netherlands. Her very first pony ride on 'Schimmeltje Sylvia' (Little Grey Horse Sylvia activated the horse gene, and from that moment on horses were meant to be in her life.
She begged her parents to take her with them to their horseback riding lessons, she took every moment she had to be close to them, even when that meant she had to pretend that the neighbor’s cows were horses!

Finally, when the family moved to the suburbs of Haarlem, she found 3 horses in box stalls just 2 minutes walking from her new home. Who would have thought that, at the same time the worst thing that could happen in her life (moving), would prove to also be the best thing in her life!

And when the horses were sold after a few years, it was as if part of her was ripped away and she swore that one day she would have her own horses.

That day came about 23 years later, when, while living in Southern California, she moved into her own house with horse facilities! The very day after she and her family moved in, they picked up Blue. The first of a few and definitely her teacher for transformation.

Monique has a different approach to horses than many others. She sees horses as beings that are sentient, with their own will, their own Soul. They are worthy of respect, love, fairness, and consideration.

As prey animals, they have a set of skills that allows them to see things we, as predators, are unaware of. Us humans live through our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs. Most of those are transparent to us - but not to the horses! And that is exactly why horses are such amazing coaches and teachers. They see right through us. When we try to hide our true emotions, expectations, and intentions they notice our incoherent state and that puzzles them, that does mean that something is off and potentially unsafe. The result is that their sympathetic nervous system is activated and they will be on high alert and keep their distance.

For the past 25 years Monique has had her own horses. They have taught her life lessons that she couldn't have learned anywhere else. Combined with her life-long search for truth and studying personal growth and development since she was in her early 20's she has a plethora of wisdom and experience to pass on. She found her life's purpose by combining horses and coaching.

Monique is a certified EAL Coach and Natural Success Coach and, together with her (or your) hoses can help you learn more about yourself, help you uncover your true nature and purpose and provide a structure and system to achieve your truest goals - the goals that are hiding in your HEART.

Imagine living the life you know deep inside is yours to live, yours to create. It is possible. But, to do so you have to understand who you truly are, what's keeping you from getting there, and how to neutralize it.

When working with Monique, you will learn that everything is structural, that 'structure is sexy' and that there is a clear path to working with that structure, to intuitively know what the next step on your journey is, so you can create and realize your dream, no, better yet, your heart's desire.

Monique can coach in person at your barn or hers, with horses or without., and even long-distance coaching through zoom can be done with horses.

Touched by a Horse?

What Happens When We Touch A Horse

May 20, 20243 min read

Have you ever been touched by a horse?

You would know it if you had.

Horses have a special gift for us; they freely share their heart and soul. Most people that have been touched by a horse on a deeper level, never forget the experience.

When people can actually touch a horse, it causes amazing physiological changes in their bodies. Changes that most people crave... This is part of why it is SO crucial to go to a farm, and interact with horses, as often as you can. Once you experience the magic of animals and how that can make you feel, you won't want that experience to end. You will just want to keep coming back for more opportunities to be around the animals.

Physical touch can help build relationships by communicating emotions non-verbally. When someone is touched, their brain releases oxytocin, also known as the "bonding hormone," which can make people feel happier and less stressed. Oxytocin can also stimulate the release of other hormones, like dopamine and serotonin, while reducing stress hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine. These neurochemical changes can help people feel less anxious, less depressed, and more resilient to pain.

Here is a little information on what happens:

1. Release of Oxytocin: Similar to human touch, interaction with animals, including touch, can lead to the release of oxytocin in humans. Oxytocin is often referred to as the "love hormone" because it promotes feelings of bonding and calmness. Studies have shown that petting dogs and cats can increase levels of oxytocin in humans, which helps reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness and trust.

2. Reduction in Cortisol: Interacting with animals can also reduce cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. The act of touching or petting an animal can have a calming effect, reducing anxiety and potentially lowering blood pressure.

3. Impact on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Animal interaction has been observed to lower heart rate and blood pressure, especially in therapeutic settings such as animal-assisted therapy. This effect is similar to the calming effect seen with positive human touch.

Differences from Human Touch:
1. Context and Perception: The context and the nature of the touch significantly influence how it is perceived and its physiological effects. While a compassionate touch from a human is often directly associated with emotional and social support, touch from an animal is more associated with unconditional companionship and non-judgmental interaction.

2. Expectations and Social Norms: Human touch carries various social and cultural meanings and can be complex in terms of personal space and consent. Animal touch is generally free from these social constraints, and for some people, may lead to more straightforward positive emotional and physiological responses.

3. Type of Touch: The type of touch and the species of animal can also affect the physiological response. For example, the feeling of a cat purring on one's lap can be different from a dog nuzzling for attention or a horse nuzzling against one's hand.

While both animal and human touches can stimulate similar physiological pathways associated with stress reduction and emotional bonding, the contexts, expectations, and perceptions associated with these touches can lead to different emotional and physiological outcomes. Many people find animal touch particularly therapeutic, which has led to the use of animals in therapeutic settings to help individuals with disorders like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

At Faewood Equestrian, we give you plenty of opportunity to BE with the horses, to interact with them, to love them, and to learn from them.

You can schedule an Introduction Tour here: https://faewoodequestrian.com/

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Monique Myers

Monique Myers is one of the founders of Faewood Equestrian. Besides the running all aspects of the riding school, Monique is also an Equine Assisted Learning Coach.

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