Equine Assisted Learning & Coaching

If you don't know who you are, how can you know who you want to become?


White Horse Wisdom Coaching offers Equine Assisted Learning and Coaching to individuals, groups, and corporate teams in the middle of Jeffersontown, Kentucky.

Monique discovered horses for the first time as a young child during a family vacation in the Netherlands. Her very first pony ride on 'Schimmeltje Sylvia' (Little Grey Horse Sylvia activated the horse gene, and from that moment on horses were meant to be in her life.
She begged her parents to take her with them to their horseback riding lessons, she took every moment she had to be close to them, even when that meant she had to pretend that the neighbor’s cows were horses!

Finally, when the family moved to the suburbs of Haarlem, she found 3 horses in box stalls just 2 minutes walking from her new home. Who would have thought that, at the same time the worst thing that could happen in her life (moving), would prove to also be the best thing in her life!

And when the horses were sold after a few years, it was as if part of her was ripped away and she swore that one day she would have her own horses.

That day came about 23 years later, when, while living in Southern California, she moved into her own house with horse facilities! The very day after she and her family moved in, they picked up Blue. The first of a few and definitely her teacher for transformation.

Monique has a different approach to horses than many others. She sees horses as beings that are sentient, with their own will, their own Soul. They are worthy of respect, love, fairness, and consideration.

As prey animals, they have a set of skills that allows them to see things we, as predators, are unaware of. Us humans live through our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs. Most of those are transparent to us - but not to the horses! And that is exactly why horses are such amazing coaches and teachers. They see right through us. When we try to hide our true emotions, expectations, and intentions they notice our incoherent state and that puzzles them, that does mean that something is off and potentially unsafe. The result is that their sympathetic nervous system is activated and they will be on high alert and keep their distance.

For the past 25 years Monique has had her own horses. They have taught her life lessons that she couldn't have learned anywhere else. Combined with her life-long search for truth and studying personal growth and development since she was in her early 20's she has a plethora of wisdom and experience to pass on. She found her life's purpose by combining horses and coaching.

Monique is a certified EAL Coach and Natural Success Coach and, together with her (or your) hoses can help you learn more about yourself, help you uncover your true nature and purpose and provide a structure and system to achieve your truest goals - the goals that are hiding in your HEART.

Imagine living the life you know deep inside is yours to live, yours to create. It is possible. But, to do so you have to understand who you truly are, what's keeping you from getting there, and how to neutralize it.

When working with Monique, you will learn that everything is structural, that 'structure is sexy' and that there is a clear path to working with that structure, to intuitively know what the next step on your journey is, so you can create and realize your dream, no, better yet, your heart's desire.

Monique can coach in person at your barn or hers, with horses or without., and even long-distance coaching through zoom can be done with horses.

Benefits of EAL & EAC

The Many Benefits of Equine Assisted Learning & Coaching

March 14, 20243 min read

Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) and Coaching represent a unique and transformative approach to personal development, blending the therapeutic presence of horses with structured learning experiences to facilitate growth, learning, and healing. This innovative method leverages the natural behavior of horses and the human-animal bond to promote self-awareness, emotional regulation, and leadership skills among participants. The benefits of EAL and Coaching are vast and varied, impacting individuals on emotional, psychological, and interpersonal levels.

At the heart of EAL and Coaching is the concept of experiential learning — the idea that individuals learn best through experience. Horses, as sensitive and non-judgmental beings, provide immediate feedback to the actions and emotions of the participants. This feedback is invaluable as it mirrors the participants' behaviors and emotions, offering them insights into their patterns, challenges, and strengths. For instance, if a participant approaches a horse with anxiety or hesitation, the horse may mirror this energy by becoming skittish or withdrawn. This mirror effect encourages participants to reflect on their approach and experiment with new behaviors in a safe and supportive environment.

One of the primary benefits of EAL is the enhancement of emotional intelligence. Interacting with horses requires individuals to become more attuned to non-verbal cues and to regulate their emotions effectively. Horses can pick up on subtle changes in a person's mood or body language, and their reactions help individuals become more aware of their emotional state and how it affects others. This awareness is crucial for personal development, as it enhances empathy, patience, and the ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

Furthermore, EAL and Coaching foster a sense of responsibility and leadership. Participants learn to lead and communicate with horses without relying on verbal commands, which strengthens their leadership skills, including assertiveness, confidence, and clear communication. These skills are directly transferable to personal and professional life, improving relationships and leadership effectiveness. The hands-on nature of working with horses demands presence and mindfulness, qualities that are essential for effective leadership and management.

The therapeutic aspect of EAL cannot be overlooked. For individuals struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or trauma, the gentle presence of horses offers comfort and a sense of peace. The non-judgmental acceptance by a horse can be incredibly healing, providing individuals with a sense of belonging and acceptance. The act of caring for a horse, from grooming to feeding, nurtures a sense of competence and achievement, bolstering self-esteem and promoting mental health.

Another benefit of EAL and Coaching promote problem-solving and adaptability. Participants are often presented with challenges that require creative thinking and flexibility. Working through these challenges with a horse teaches resilience and the ability to adapt to changing situations, valuable skills in any area of life.

In conclusion, Equine Assisted Learning and Coaching offer a wealth of benefits for individuals seeking personal growth, emotional healing, and improved interpersonal skills. Through experiential learning with horses, participants develop a deeper understanding of themselves, enhance their emotional intelligence, and cultivate leadership qualities. The non-judgmental nature of horses provides a safe space for exploration and self-discovery, making EAL an effective tool for therapy and personal development. Whether navigating personal challenges or seeking to improve leadership capabilities, EAL and Coaching provide a unique and powerful pathway to achieving those goals.

White Horse Wisdom offers individual as well as group and corporate Equine Assisted Learning & Coaching as well as Intuitive Coaching for individuals.

Call, text, or email us with your questions or to schedule a session.

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Monique Myers

Monique Myers is one of the founders of Faewood Equestrian. Besides the running all aspects of the riding school, Monique is also an Equine Assisted Learning Coach.

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